Friday, 7 October 2011

Crystal Castles- Untrust Us

Crystal Castles – Untrust Us

The editing used for this music video is very skilful and creative. Each shot is synchronously repeated a couple of times over and over again and sometimes the shots are mixed up.

The shots are all edited to the beat as at the start, the cuts are on the slow beat and it only cuts back to the same shot but from the beginning. We see a boy next to a window and it keeps repeating the same 2 second clip that is shown. This is conventional of techno music as editing to the beat allows the viewer to notice the music more and not focus too much on the music video.  However, this synchronous editing is paired with a disjointed editing as the shots are looped and cut together and all-in-all create a sense of discord and a broken-up narrative.

As the music video progresses, the shots are then cut to the fast beat and are paired with another shot. The first time we see this is when there is a close-up of a boy looking down which fast cuts to two teenagers in an urban setting looking down. This could be contrasting two things; the fact that the boy in the first shot is on his own and the fact that in the other shot there are two people together and also the boy is on his own in the woods whereas the two teenagers are in an urban location. This video appears to be set in an urban location which is another convention of techno/dance music as it is relating to the urban scene and hitting its target audience of teenagers.

 The shots also are framed in a suggestive way as the subject is always off centre or the camera is zoomed into an eye or the feet. This gives a mysterious twist to the shots which is a convention of techno music. The variety of shots is more pleasing for the audience and also allows the editing to the beat to be more successful.

There appears to be no narrative in this music video as the shots are all for completely different things and are mixed-up together. 

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